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Laure Baumann  -  Lenz & Staehelin

Route de Chêne 30, CH-1211 Genève 6

+41 58 450 70 00 
+41 58 450 70 01

The firm comprises near to 200 lawyers and provides advice to corporate and individual clients on a wide range of legal issues. Within the field of Immigration, the firm provides any kind of legal advice to companies and individuals, including business and non-professional immigration. Lenz & Staehelin provides legal advice in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian.
Laure Baumann is a Counsel at Lenz & Staehelin in Geneva, Switzerland. She is a lawyer and she specializes in immigration law. Laure Baumann advises both individuals and companies notably in the frame of Swiss work and/or residence permit applications, in particular in relation to the transfer or secondment of executives, first employment, internship, studies or family reunification. Laure Baumann also represents clients in immigration law contentious proceedings and she advises individuals in their applications for settlement permits and naturalisation. Laure Baumann is a member of the Geneva Bar Association and the Swiss Bar Association.

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